Corporate Directory

Principal Place of Business

68 Milligan Street, Perth, WA 6000

PO Box 7768, Cloisters Square, WA 6850

P + 08 9204 7955

F + 08 9204 7956

E +


Registered Office

Suite 1 GF, 437 Roberts Road, Subiaco, WA 6008

P + 08 6380 2555

F + 08 9381 1122


Corporate Solicitors 

Steinepreis Paganin

Level 4, Next Building, 16 Milligan Street, Perth, WA 6000

P + 08 9321 4000

E +

W +


Company Lawyers

Mills Oakley

Level 2, 225 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000

P + 08 6167 9803

F + 08 6167 9898


Company Secretary

Stuart Usher

Regency Partners

1/437 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

P + 08 6380 2555


Share Registry

Advanced Share Registry

110 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA 6009

P + 08 9389 8033

F + 08 9262 3723

W +



Bentleys Audit & Corporate (WA) Pty Ltd

PO Box 7775, Cloisters Square, Perth, WA 6850

P + 08 9226 4500

E +

W +



Westpac Banking Corporation


Securities Exchange

Australian Securities Exchange

Level 40, Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000

P + 131 ASX (131 279) within Australia

P + 02 9338 0000 outside of Australia